The only problem...their cork boards are listed at $179.00 each and I can't afford any of the furniture either. But, I came up with my own plan and its been working fabulously. And, I'm continuing to work on Dale for my own version of the desk/study space shown above. But, I started with the calendar and the desk/study space project is just a tad on hold for now. So, if you are trying to organize every one's calendar in to one space, this may be a great idea for you too.
The calendar is centrally located in our kitchen. I update the calendar each Sunday evening. I use a different color card for each family member (white for family events) and download clip art to add to the cards to make them more interesting. Even Caiden (who can't read yet) can check out his schedule and know what's going on for the day by the pictures. I spent about $30.00 on supplies.