Tuesday, April 20, 2010

For the Birds

One morning I heard a large thump in the kitchen. Scared me to death. Come to find out, here was a robin flying from the gazebo frame and landing on to the screen in the window and pecking at it. He never flew away just back-and-forth. He continued this until late morning. I did several things to try to scare him away. I banged on the window and even put a piece of aluminum foil in the window thinking that he'd see his shadow and stop. None of it worked.

The next morning, he was back. And the next morning and the next. This continued all week long. On the weekend, Dale removed the screen. The next morning, he was landing in the lilac bush nearest the window and still trying to fly in to it. He kept his up about 3 days until, I guess, he realized he wasn't getting anywhere and finally quit.

We're still baffled at what in the world he was doing. It was such a strange thing that I had to share. Have you ever had any crazy bird experience?


Chelle said...

I think he just wanted to come in for coffee.

mom said...

Wow....it's a long story but you need to share this with Gram. She'll give you her understanding of it.....and if you believe in life living on...it's a great story! LOve you so much!