From the moment you were born with a head full of jet black hair and those adorable chubby cheeks, we knew that you marched to the beat of a different drum.
You have an infectious laugh and mischievous nature with a desire to have fun in everything that goes on. You never want to miss everything and love to do everything that your big brother does.
You are caring, sensitive and shy around strangers for a few minutes before you get to know them. Your favorite thing right now is your Nintendo DS. You shout out the world when you are playing it. You are not too keen on playing in a big pool of water but you've made great strides in that this summer.
You are fun to be around and brighten our day with your quirky remarks and precious smile. We love you and can't believe you are four. time flies. We love you lil' man. We can't wait to see what the next year brings!
Happy Birthday, Dawson! Heidi, wasn't I just holding him at your Pampered Chef party while I was pregnant with Catherine and Daniel?
How did we let you grow up so fast? Dawson, you truly refresh my soul every time I'm around you. I adore you Precious Boy, and the joyful spirit you entertain us with every minute of your life. We are blessed. Love, Grammie
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