Tuesday, August 5, 2008

An iPod Story

I have been wanting an iPod shuffle for quite awhile. Although they aren't that expensive, I have not been able to truly justify going to the store and buying myself an iPod, especially since there are so many other "essential" things I could spend $50 on. Someone heard my request and the following took place.

I found in my mailbox at our church office a white envelope with my named spelled out in little silver stickers on the front. When I got to my office, I got busy with other things and the envelope, along with the rest of my mail, got shoved off to the side. Just before getting ready to go home, I opened the envelope. Inside was a $50 Visa gift card, along with this typewritten note:

Heidi -

Thank you for all you do for the Family Ministry.

Please do not be "practical" with this gift card.

Please shuffle to the store to get something for you.

WOW! I felt completely humbled by the fact that someone cares enough about me to take time out of their schedule, purchase a gift card and drop it by our church office; all the while not intending to be noticed or thanked for their kind gift. I went the next day and bought an iPod shuffle. It will forever remind of the true generosity and sacrificial gift I received on this day.

If you purchased this for me, thank you. You'll never know how much this means to me.

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