Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Late Night Snack Attacks

I'm really struggling with something that you'll probably think is so dumb. The fitness trainer at the YMCA told me that we sabotage our diets a lot of the time by eating right before we go to bed. The calories we eat at that time of day aren't processed since we are not active and convert directly to fat.

He advised me to not eat anything 3 hours before going to bed. This has been torture! Once the boys are in bed and we're on wind down from the day, the first thing I want to do is find something to snack on. Its not necessary unhealthy snacks but I want to be eating something at that time of the day. me with this. Do you have any tips or do you share the same crazy cravings?


Anonymous said...

I saw the Best Life Diet guy (Bob Greene? maybe) say the same thing last week. I totally want to snack at night. I even save points for it. However, last night I tried to forego my end of the day treat. Result? I woke up at 3:00 am hungry! I think I might try making my late night snack a fiber one bar so that it moves through my system more quickly. Of course, no snack is healthy at that time, but how healthy is a 3:00 am snack? I'm with you girl!

Carrie said...

Girl....I am right there with you. I just want to eat everything once the girls go to bed.

I don't drink much coke, so sometimes a diet mt. dew is a great treat, and you could get the caffeine free!

Or you could always eat your snack at like 9 and then stay up til midnight!