Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I read a devotional about a month ago (on February 8th) and it has just stuck with me ever since so I thought I would share it with you. It comes from Every Day with Jesus Bible (copyright 2004, Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville TN) with devotions by Selwyn Hughes.

Read: The heavens declare the glory of God. Psalm 19:1

Selwyn Hughes writes:

...In today's passage the psalmist tells us that one way we can focus on the greatness of God is to consider His handiwork in creation. All around us in this wonderful world, we see evidences of His sublime sufficiency. Consider, for example, the vastness of the universe. Scientists tell us that in relation to the myriads of other celestial bodies in outer space, the planet we inhabit is like a tiny speck of dust in a huge railway station in relation to all the other specks of dust around it, or like a single grain of sand among all the sand on all the seashores of the world. They tell us also that if the earth were to fall out of its orbit and spin away into space, it would create no more disturbance than the dropping of the pea into the Pacific Ocean!

Such words, inadequate as they are, do nevertheless help us form some idea of the greatness and power of our God. Who can meditate on the vastness of the universe without experiencing an expansion in their conception of the majesty of God? Why did God construct the universe on such a grand scale? My conclusion is: He did to show us that He is gloriously sufficient, unchangingly adequate, and abidingly faithful. (my emphasis added) How wonderful to contemplate such creative enormity!

Isn't that incredible to think very insignificant our world, our earth is compared to the vastness of the universe that our BIG God created. But, He is still actively working in each of our lives and seeking us out to do awesome things that will forever glorify Him. He cares for my small problems, even though He looks over all of this incredible universe that surrounds us.

I haven't been able to get this off my mind all month long. Praise be to God that He can't get me (or you!) off of His mind!

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