Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Getting back on the horse

The whole purpose of this website was to write about my battle with weight and how I amazingly lost the last 25 pounds I wanted to lose. Well, it hasn't exactly worked out that way. But, I have discovered that weight loss, along with everything else in life, is a process. Sometimes you get distracted by things happening in your life and you give up for a little while. Then, you get back on the horse.

It is now my turn to get back on the horse. I haven't been diligent about watching my diet or exercising since mid-May. So last week, I went back to working out. And, this week, I'm trying harder to watch what I eat. That is not the easiest part for me.

So, today I sit with newly exercised, aching muscles and a major chocolate craving. But, I'm not going to give in. I'm back on track - that is, until my next life distraction hits and then I'll have to hitch up another horse!


Anonymous said...

I keep falling off my horse and it runs away . . .

Carrie said...

So the horse has bucked me off and has been standing on me....hmmm, now I need to get back on too!

Anonymous said...

Trying had to catch my horse too! Thanks for the moviation! mom