Thursday, July 24, 2008


Caiden said the funniest thing last week. It was nap time and I was laying down with him (I know that is so not the right thing to do but I was also so tired that day). He was having trouble going to sleep so I was coaxing him to just "close your eyes." His response was... "But mom, my eyes are tired, but my mouth won't quit talking." I couldn't help but laugh out loud. And, yeah...he never took a nap that day!


Anonymous said...

I had that problem last week too after eating a half of a Ghiradelli brownie at bunco. I just didn't know how to put it so eloquently.

Carrie said...

Ya, I hate it when my mouth won't stop talking!

Anonymous said...

Naps are a good thing for both of you. Caiden just had "alot" to talk about that day & his nap was interfering! Love you!